
Initial Offering

我們很荣幸地宣佈即將首次推出 RUWR NFT——汝窯葫蘆瓶的價值數字化NFT,而汝窯葫蘆瓶是現存最稀有、最珍貴的中國古瓷器之一。它將透過 Uniswap V4 流動性引導底池(LBP)進行拍賣。該池根據設定的時間表,平穩地增加流動性和銷售壓力,確保報價準確,平等對待所有購買者,並降低惡意程序軟件幹擾。

由於 Uniswap v4 的流動性集中分佈在所有池中,使用此機製可以提高資本效率。這讓cangcoins RUWR 代幣受益於最大的去中心化交易所大量用戶群。

流動性引導池提高了 燃料費節約效率,並針對降低整個以太坊區塊鏈的交易成本進行了擾化。

為期 3 天的拍賣會將於 2024 年 9 月 30 日在 Uniswap 平臺上隆重開始。這將首次推出 RUWR汝窯金 代幣。僅須鏈接綱路,全球大衆就可以購買擁有部貧各曆代皇傢擁有的文物寳藏。

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the RUWR NFT—a digital representation of the Ru Kiln Gourd Bottle, one of the rarest and most exquisite Chinese stoneware pieces in existence. It will be auctioned through a Uniswap V4 Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP). The pool smoothly increases liquidity and sell pressure based on a set schedule, ensuring accurate price discovery, equality for all purchasers, and reduced bot effectiveness.

If the price is within the liquidity range, additional liquidity, matching the target amount, will be sold into the pool. This drives the price downwards until it exits the range, after which liquidity provision continues. This ensures efficient price discovery and liquidity provisioning at the best prices. There is much greater capital efficiency using this mechanism thanks to Uniswap v4's concentrated liquidity. The decentralized exchange's massive user base adds breadth and depth to the pools.

Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools enhance gas efficiency and are optimized for lower transaction costs across the Ethereum Blockchain. Uniswap V4 Hooks are specially designed contracts that run at distinct points throughout a pool action's lifecycle.

RUWR NFT will drop in a Uniswap V4 LBP on September 30th, 2024. This will launch Cang Coins Relic NFTs for the very first time to Web3 users. A relic before only for emperor’s is now available to anyone with an Internet connection and an Ethereum wallet.

Stay tuned for future announcements.