

創新 Innovation

We are revolutionizing art ownership

Private Collection

CangCoins 是一家私人收藏機構,收藏了來自唐,宋,元, 明,清以及極為罕見的北宋時期的文化遺產。 這些符合国际拍賣行標準的珍品因其後朝代時期的精湛工藝,深受西方收藏家的追捧。
CangCoins is a private collection of cultural relics from the Tang, Yuan, Ming, Qing and extremely rare Northern Song dynasties. These auction-worthy treasures are highly sought after by Western collectors for their exquisite craftsmanship from later dynasties.

Digital Realm

我們為每件藝術品鑄造不可替代的代幣(NFT),這些代幣可以在Web3 平台上分割、購買、出售和儲存。我們的部分藏品, 如汝窯葫蘆瓶和洗,歷史可追溯到近千年, 至今從未向公眾開放。如今,這些珍貴的歷史瑰寶將被注入區塊鏈, 並可在去中心化金融(DeFi)交易所進行交易。
We mint non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for each piece of art, which can be divided, bought, sold, and stored on the Web3 platform. Some of our collections, such as a Ru kiln gourd bottle and bowl, date back more than a thousand years and have never been avaiable to the public. Now, these precious historical gems will available blockchain and can be traded on decentralized finance (DeFi) exchanges.

Unique ID

每個NFT 都擁有獨一無二的識别碼,作為藝術品的代幣ID。這些NFT 包含了文物的名稱、詳細描述、科學檢測結果、圖像、影片、 鑑定報告和3D 掃描,以確保其真實性和完整性。每個NFT 的特徵清單也會被列出,並在整個收藏中進行排名。 極為稀有的實體藝術品NFT 將被特别分類為頂級珍品。每件博物館藏品均配備了近場通訊( NFC)晶片,實現即時驗證和認證。
Each NFT is paired with a unique ID, serving as its digital signature and guaranteeing authenticity and integrity. This identifier includes comprehensive details and high-resolution imagery, ensuring complete transparency. With CangCoins, we are redefining the concept of art ownership, making these cultural treasures accessible to a select global audience in an entirely new and refined way.


藏幣致力於透過博物館托管與區塊鏈創新,將這些宏偉資產代幣化, 推動和深化文物的保護、展示與傳承。 我們的目標是將這些壯麗的藝術珍品推廣至全球, 弘揚中國文化的深厚遺產並彰顯其獨特魅力。
At CangCoins, our mission is to preserve and celebrate the world’s most esteemed art through innovative digital transformation. We are committed to sharing the profound heritage of Chinese culture with discerning audiences, turning these rare treasures into timeless, accessible digital assets.